Overtoun House Tearoom
Milton Brae,
Tel; 01389 732610

Nominated online today . Overtoun House has sat majestically overlooking the Clyde for over 150 years and for the last eight years has been a home for Hope and Healing in The West coast of Scotland. The stunning tearoom in the great hall has the most beautiful ceilings and artwork and the views over the gardens and the Clyde are worth the drive alone. Today i was greeted by Esther a young and bright American girl who is responsible for most of the castles lovely Homebaking. Esther is in the process of learning her Art and experiments with spices and different recipes to the ones we are used to here in Scotland.Its nice to taste the different cultures styles and textures . I look forward to returning in the Summer and to see Esthers progress. NOMINATED,AWARD PENDING



