This week marks the beginning of my Epic treck across Scotland to find the Best Afternoon Tea in Scotland's Hotels . I start with the big guns - The 5 Star Hotels of Distinction. From Ackergill House in Wick North of Scotland to The Scotsman in Edinburgh to Cringlettie House in the Borders and the West - One Devonshire Gardens in Glasgow. I will be reviewing over 30 of the finest Hotels in Scotland for Afternoon Tea and will post Live reviews as and when i have them. The Hotels in most cases will not have advance notification until i arrive , no money will change hands in turn for a great review, no membership is required , no media involvement (until after the review of course ! ) I believe we need to get back to earning honest great reviews from Professional people that know what they are talking about. Too many Awards are given for just about anything these days from people and organisations you have never heard of that have no experience or  prior knowledge of the industry you are in . This is insulting in my opinion. I am no blogger , Newswpaper Food critic or fame hungry entrepenuer . I am a Professional Chef and Master Baker who has founded a very successful "  Scottish Baking Awards "  My views are my own but are also Expert. Looking forward to seeing you all !

baking with melanie andrews

Click the image above for Melanie's latest Baking book



